BOOK APPOINTMENTBoomer’s Boutique is a clean, safe environment where pets will receive baths with veterinary grade shampoos and conditioners tailored to their skin’s needs while having access to a groomer capable of providing their desired hairstyles.
All animals presented at TCAH for a tech bath or groom will receive a nail trim, ear cleaning, and anal sac expression with their services. Teeth brushing and nail file are available upon request and additional charges will apply.
Click the button below to complete your form online prior to your grooming appointment.
We’re passionate about providing excellent care.

2600 Bobcat Blvd, Suite 100
Trophy Club, TX 76262
Click here for directions.

Mon-Fri: 7:30a – 5:30p
Saturday: 8:00a – 12:00p
Sunday: Closed

Contact Info
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