Many pets are affected by storms. The crashing thunder, barometric-pressure changes, bright lightning, and howling winds can send them seeking a dark, den-like space to ride out the storm. Before the rain comes, prepare a storm shelter for your pet by following these tips.

#1: Choose a safe space for your pet

The ideal storm shelter for your pet is a dark room with no windows, such as a closet, bathroom, or a small basement area. The space must be accessible for your pet at all times, so she can retreat to her shelter if you’re not home. Artificial lighting in her haven can help mask lightning flashes, so consider leaving on the light.

#2: Provide fun distractions for your pet in her storm shelter

Outfit your pet’s safe space with treat-filled toys, food puzzles, or long-lasting chews. Keep frozen canned food or tuna in a Kong ready for your dog or cat to enjoy as a storm approaches. Add your pet’s favorite bed, blanket, and toys to help her feel relaxed and comfortable, using food puzzles to keep her distracted.

#3: Calm your pet with pheromones and acoustic therapy in her safe space

Diffuse pheromones to help your cat or dog feel calm and relaxed, or spritz a pheromone spray on your pet’s bedding. To help drown out the thunder and wind, set up a white noise machine or anxiety-relieving playlist.

As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us for help. We are available to discuss anti-anxiety options for your pet.