BOOK APPOINTMENTYou may bring your pets own bedding, toys, or bowls if you desire. We do provided bedding and bowls and even have toys if you let us know your pets can have toys. Please let us know if your pet has a habit to eat bedding or toys as it is our desire to keep them safe and cozy during their stay.
Drop-off and pick-up is between 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
To save time, you can complete your boarding form ahead of time. You may complete the form online or download, print, and bring it with you the day of your boarding drop-off.
Your pet's home away from home.
Before your pet stays with us, we have just a few requirements:
Your pet needs to be current on his/her standard of care items. These can be performed at TCAH or a veterinary facility of your choice as long as documentation is provided by a veterinarian or shelter PRIOR to drop off. This is both for the safety of your pets and others staying in our facility.
Trophy Club Animal Hospital is an animal hospital first and foremost. We do offer boarding and grooming services for our patients and community but will not sacrifice the standard of care required to keep patients in our facility. Below is a list of items that are required for your pet to be boarded or groomed at Trophy Club Animal Hospital and why.
Why is my pet due for items when I thought they were up to date? And what do those items mean?
Annual Fecal Analysis
This test is required annually to ensure your pet is not carrying/shedding intesnal parasite eggs. This test is not only important to protect your pet and family, but also to protect our facilies yard. It is important to us to ensure our yard is a safe place for animals to urinate and defecate without the risks of incurring intesnal parasites. We require an annual negave fecal test (whether performed at TCAH or at your veterinarian) in order for your pet to stay in our facilies.
Annual Deworming
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends deworming every 6-12 months for common intestinal parasites that can be infectious to humans despite a negative fecal analysis. This is because eggs may not be shedding at the time the bowel movement occurred. 25% of all fecal analysis are false negatives because intestinal parasites are not constantly shedding eggs. When a patient’s fecal test is negative, we administer an affordable, broad-spectrum, dewormer (pyrantel $15). If the test reveals specific parasites, we will alter our deworming recommendations based on your pet’s needs.
DAPP Vaccination
This is the distemper, parvo, and parainfluenza vaccinaon. This vaccination is necessary to protect your pet from common canine-specific viruses. This vaccination is NOT always required on an annual basis. If an animal is boostered appropriately at a young age, this vaccination can/will be labeled as a 3 year vaccination.
Rabies Vaccination
This vaccination is required by law. It also can be labeled as a 3-year vaccination pending it was boostered appropriately as directed by the state law.
Bordetella Vaccination
This vaccination is to protect against and prevent major infection from kennel cough. Bordetella is commonly recommended and required as a 6 month vaccination at several local boarding and grooming facilities. This vaccination is only required on an annual basis at TCAH because there is minimal to no scientific proof of the need to vaccinate for kennel cough more than annually at this me. We can label this as a 6 month vaccination for clients that request this level of reminder so they are prepared pending they board their pets elsewhere. The vaccination will not hurt your pet being administered every 6 months, it is just not medically necessary according to recent studies and is an unnecessary expense in our medical opinion.
Leptospirosis Vaccination
This is a vaccination to protect your pet from leptospirosis. Leptospirosis causes kidney and liver failure and can be fatal. Leptospirosis is a common infectious organism found around Lake Grapevine. This vaccination is REQUIRED for all drop off patients at Trophy Club Animal Hospital because it is a prevalent infectious organism in our area. Leptospirosis is spread via urine. Leptospirosis is carried in the urine of our local wildlife and can cause infection in our pets, as well as, humans. We have had a human infected with leptospirosis in the Trophy Club area this past year. We require our patients to be protected with this vaccination as we would like all pets protected from leptospirosis that live in this area, but also desire to ensure our yard is NEVER infected with leptospirosis for the protection of both our employees and patients.
Canine Influenza Vaccination
This is a vaccination to protect your pet from the canine influenza virus. Canine influenza virus (CIV) is highly contagious and transmitted through droplets or aerosols containing respiratory secretions from coughing, sneezing, or barking. It can also be indirectly spread through objects or people that have been in contact with infected animals. CIV has seen a rise in cases in our area, which has led us to require pets to be vaccinated prior to boarding with us. We are not requiring it for pets that are here for bathing/grooming/surgery at this me, though we are highly encouraging having your pets vaccinated to ensure their protection.
Veterinary Prescribed Flea Prevention
All animals that board, are hospitalized, or groomed at Trophy Club Animal Hospital are required to be current on flea prevention. This is to prevent your pet from coming or leaving our hospital with fleas. If your pet is not on veterinary-prescribed flea prevention, we do offer a Capstar pill that will kill all fleas for 24 hours on your pet for $5.10 to ensure it does not take home fleas or bring them into our facility.
Heartworm Prevention
This is NOT required in order to drop off, groom, or board your patient at TCAH. Heartworm prevention is highly recommended to be given year-round for all canine and feline patients. Heartworm prevention can come in several different varieties. At TCAH, we offer oral forms, a topical form (primarily only recommended for our feline patients), and a 6 or 12 month injection. Each form of heartworm prevention protects patients from heartworm disease well, but they each carry different benefits (ie-some intestinal parasite protection, some flea sterilization, some convenience of the injection and not having to keep up with it on a monthly basis). Please ask about options so we can discuss which type is best for your pet and family’s needs.
We’re passionate about providing excellent care.

2600 Bobcat Blvd, Suite 100
Trophy Club, TX 76262
Click here for directions.

Mon-Fri: 7:30a – 5:30p
Saturday: 8:00a – 12:00p
Sunday: Closed

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